Do you have Gluten Intolerance, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
We did... and then some.
What do you do when you find out you've got one or more of these conditions? For many of us, it's just a relief to finally put a name to our symptoms. For us, they were Gluten Intolerance, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (both constipation and alternating diarrhea), Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, Crohn's disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis (among myriad other symptoms). It took seven medical doctors who either said there was “nothing wrong”, or worse, told us it was “all in your head”, or gave us prescriptions for depression, pain, insomnia, etc., and a gluten free diet.
The next decade was spent trying alternative medical treatments, homeopathy, herbs, handfuls of supplements, many with dubious claims for a “cure”. We scoured every scientific article we could find, and while some research was emerging, it wasn't much. Until we found an obscure patent issued to the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles (Patent #6,861,053), which found a common etiology between Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Fibromyalgia (FMS), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Depression, Attention deficit/Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Crohn's, and autoimmune diseases, such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, to a Small Intestinal Bacterial overgrowth, or SIBO. They posed that with antibiotic treatment following a repopulation of the intestines with a probiotic, SIBO might be effectively controlled, and thus the conditions themselves.
Other reported symptoms may include:
- Gluten and/or casein intolerance
- An incapacitating fatigue or chronic lack of energy
- Problems with concentration and short-term memory
- Extreme tightness in the shoulders and neck
- Hyper-acidity/acid reflux
- Insomnia and un-refreshing sleep
- Chronic sinus problems and headaches including migraines
- Depression and mood swings
- Irritability
- Anxiety
- Chills and night sweats
- Alcohol intolerance
- Recurrent yeast and fungal infections (Candida)
- Rashes and dry, flaking skin
- Eczema
- Dandruff
- Jock and rectal itching
- Chronic athlete's foot
- Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
- Allergies and sensitivities to noise, sound, foods, odors, chemicals
- Brain fog
- Muscle twitching and muscle weakness
- Low sex drive
We had always thought our conditions were connected and probably had a common cause, but now we felt we knew we were right all along. Knowing also that antibiotics kill off all bacteria, both good and bad, the quality of the probiotic was key to prevent an overgrowth of yeast, a common problem after antibiotic use. Having tried hundreds of them over the years with little or no effect, we set out to discover strains that might actually work and survive the stomach acids without having to artificially enteric coat it.
Then, we found another article about SIBO and probiotics (to read the whole article, click here):
“Probiotics now have been used in many diseases, not only IBS but also ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease and in both children and adults with lactose intolerance,” Othman tells WebMD. “It is a new field, and there is a lot of investigation going on.”
“There's good evidence that some people with IBS have SIBO: an overgrowth of large-intestine bacteria in their small intestines. Patients who do have SIBO may benefit from probiotics. The good bacteria may displace the bad bacteria in the small intestine.”
“Another issue of perhaps even greater importance comes from the Quigley team's research. They find that probiotics may make subtle but important changes in the way a person's immune system works.”
“The immune system has built in switches that turn inflammatory immune responses on or off. This kind of immune response can be very helpful in responding to acute infection or injury. But in some people with IBS, the switch for inflammatory immune responses seems to be stuck in the "on" position. In ways that are not yet understood, probiotics turn this switch off.”
They also warn that not all probiotics are the same and something off the store shelf probably isn't going to help, or at the very least do you no harm. So, we thought, if we could find the right strains to displace the bad bacteria, then we might not have to even go the antibiotic route.
We finally discovered three strains of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) that have their own protective shell, or exoskeleton, which are not harmed by the body's stomach acid and get to the intestines alive and unharmed. They were Bacillus subtilis, Enterococcus faecium and Bacillus coagulans. LAB are considered GRAS by the FDA (Generally Recognized As Safe). Three different products on the market contained one of each and we had tried all of them, but what if we put all three strains together? From our research, we knew that multiple strains were much more effective than just one. We found the three strains (not an easy task), and had them compounded into capsules by a cGMP pharmaceutical manufacturing facility, and began taking them. We had long since stopped eating sugars, which only feed the bad bacteria in the intestines, but to further ensure the survival of our formulation, we stopped taking anything with natural antibacterial properties, such as grapefruit seed extract, caprylic acid, oil of oregano, coconut oil (except for cooking), garlic supplements, olive leaf extract, colloidal silver, etc.
You can imagine how excited we were when after about two weeks, we started feeling so much better. Our energy levels were rising, our brain fog began to lift, we were able to sleep through the night (for a change), and our pain was starting to diminish. Over the course of the next 4-6 months, almost all of our symptoms had either greatly diminished, or disappeared altogether (after a full year, they were gone). Finally, we were able to get off the gluten-free diet and eat normally again.
Knowing we had finally found the answer for ourselves, we sought to have others take it for an informal field study. It wasn't hard to find 29 people with IBS and 37 people with Fibromyalgia, and we gave them each these capsules for a period of 12 months. We had the capsules filled in an FDA approved cGMP pharmaceutical facility in the United States and DNA tested at a lab for purity, quality and ingredient conformity.
All the study participants started out with two per day and slowly worked up to six per day over a period of a couple of months, then slowly came back down to four per day. Every month, they let us know what percentage improvement they had and we kept charts of their progress, which are below:

After the study, the demand for the capsules was understandably overwhelming, so we decided to give the product the name Symbion™ and start a small company to sell it to others who have these conditions and want to try it for themselves. We decided to give everyone a 60 day guarantee just in case for some reason they weren't satisfied with the results within 60 days. After all, we've all spent a fortune on products that don't work, haven't we?
So this is the story of Symbion™ and our journey to recovery (and that of many others). Symbion is a breakthrough formulation so powerful and unique it is known in the scientific community as a "Super-Probiotic".While these bacteria have been shown to have some beneficial effect by themselves, in this combined formulation, they have been shown to have a massive multiplier effect. You will not find this combination in any other product. They grow much more prolifically than typical probiotics and the protective shell that is a natural part of their body's structure does not allow them to be killed by the acid in the stomach, as other probiotics are.
We hope you will try Symbion™ for yourself, and would love to hear from you as you progress. We wish you all the best in good health!
- If you have questions, comments, or need support, please write to us here:
- For more information about Symbion™ and probiotics in general, click here: What Is Symbion™?
- To order, click here: Order Symbion™, or call 888-279-6246 M-F, 8am-5pm Central time.
- To read testimonials, click here: What Our Customers Are Saying
- For information about Fibromyalgia, click here: What Is Fibromyalgia?
- For information on Irritable Bowel Syndrome, click here: What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
- For information about Gluten Intolerance, click here: What Is Gluten Intolerance?
- To read about the Science, click here: The Science
- For our references, click here: References